Attend scientifically validated courses, accredited by the International Association of Communication Psychology and Psychoeducation.

Get a professional certificate or IACPS accreditation to have your skills recognized internationally.

If you want to evolve personally and professionally, you have come to the right place. Aidoma courses are built on scientific bases, by experts in psychoeducation.

You will get fast results and you will reconfigure your whole existence!

So far, we have changed over 30,000 lives by developing dozens of courses for the most demanding professionals and we aim to permanently change your life for the better through courses dedicated to personal development.



We have created new communication bridges to reach you and we provide you with:

Mental Survival Guide. From the general crisis to the personal crisis


Psychoeducational programs that facilitate real processes of personal transformation, starting from knowing the functioning of the brain, the human psyche, with a direct impact on self-knowledge. We have control over our lives and relationships when we know ourselves!


Complete and complex nonverbal communication courses that teach you to consciously use the language of the unconscious. Know the nonverbal language and effectively manage what happens inside and outside you!


Each day comes with its challenges. Learn to manage the current crises and to correctly interpret what is happening to you and your loved ones. Control the present and don't be surprised by the future!


Browse through fragments of life, discover the psychological interpretations of the choices we make and find precise solutions to the problems that trouble you! Enter a space of knowledge and openness to the world!


Personal development, regardless of the target dimension, has only one solid basis: self-knowledge. You start the process of self-knowledge through the psychological tests that you can access on Aidoma.